Innovation and Stuff

Since my college days I have been looking for some of the cool discoveries I have read or studied and have been sorely disappointed by the pace of progress. Do you share this opinion? So what is this blog about? This is an attempt to prove to myself through things that I have read or though my readers comments that some technical progress is being made in our country. So all innovative ideas in any area of science or industry are welcome.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Hey what about using ethanol as a fuel

Should we continue on in our current path as an oil guzzling nation? Personally I think we Americans have a number of options; we just don’t have the will to change anything in this area until now. I have been very excited to hear of renewed interest using ethanol as a fuel supplement or as a total fuel alternative. This excites me for a couple of reasons. The first is because we could get off the Arab oil dependency that we are locked into right now. The other great reason is that this would be a home industry that could be grown into a great renewable resource for our nation. This can help the farmers of our country; it would also create a whole new industry which can help create new jobs. It will also help us as a nation to balance the trade deficit which is way out of control. I don’t know but it seems to me this is a winning opportunity on all fronts except one. The oil companies must be at the least very concerned. They have the relationship with the Arab oil cartel that must be appeased and maintained. If they don’t jump on the ethanol band wagon they will be replaced. So they better enjoy the big profits they are extracting from the peasant population or join the concerned masses. There are some very good articles being written right now on this topic and by some very heavy hitters(Vinod Khosla a founder of Sun Microsystems) that add credibility to the concept. If you want to read more about this try these interesting links:

EPA Take on Ethanol Fuel
a video presentation on Ethanol by Vinod Khosla.
Another Ethanol website


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