Innovation and Stuff

Since my college days I have been looking for some of the cool discoveries I have read or studied and have been sorely disappointed by the pace of progress. Do you share this opinion? So what is this blog about? This is an attempt to prove to myself through things that I have read or though my readers comments that some technical progress is being made in our country. So all innovative ideas in any area of science or industry are welcome.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Is ethanol fuel un-patriotic?

Wow I can't believe it. Is ethanol production un-patriotic? I have recently been to a blog that says "The TRUTH about Ethanol: good for drunks, not cars." I don't get it. I can think of a number of reasons this is a great alternative to gasoline. Personally the best reason I can think of is that we can change the balance of the trade deficit and give the future back to our kids. The US is rapidly loosing buying power and the bulk of our taxes are going to go to paying our debt and mostly to pay off our debt.

The other good reason is that the real cost of oil is much more than it is right now. When you factor in the cost of two wars in the middle east and the fact that a gallon of gas actually costs more in energy to produce than we get from it when it burns. Also a gallon of gasoline takes 1.23 times more energy to make that it produces. So how does Ethanol weigh in? It costs about .74 times the amount of energy it produces. So ethanol still beats gasoline on the energy front.


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