Innovation and Stuff

Since my college days I have been looking for some of the cool discoveries I have read or studied and have been sorely disappointed by the pace of progress. Do you share this opinion? So what is this blog about? This is an attempt to prove to myself through things that I have read or though my readers comments that some technical progress is being made in our country. So all innovative ideas in any area of science or industry are welcome.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Support from an unexpected source

Just wanted to drop a quick note. I was talking to a friend of mine who has been in the military, and he says it makes him cry when he thinks about how many good men have died fighting in Iraq during Desert Storm and the present conflict. This is not just a political battle. It is also protecting the oil fields and the investments the US has made in this region. He mentioned that there was a lot of talk about producing alternative fuels 15 years ago after Desert Storm but nothing ever materialized. So I can't think of a better way to save men, resources and money than to invest in alternative energy fuels. Let's make this a reality this time...


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