Innovation and Stuff

Since my college days I have been looking for some of the cool discoveries I have read or studied and have been sorely disappointed by the pace of progress. Do you share this opinion? So what is this blog about? This is an attempt to prove to myself through things that I have read or though my readers comments that some technical progress is being made in our country. So all innovative ideas in any area of science or industry are welcome.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

More Things Bio-Diesel

Well it looks like there is much more going on than I thought in this area. There are people investing in bio-diesel and bio-diesel alliances, consortiums and even companies springing up all over the US. Look at this article on "Biofuels Come of Age as the Demand Rises." The disconcerting part of all this is that it is still a very fragile industry. The price of diesel must remain high for this fuel to be competitive plus state and federal incentives must remain in place to make this fledgling industry thrive. This is a good article describing the fragility of this market and what factors are governing it at this time. So please support this industry and buy this fuel if it is available in your town and demand more of it from our Senators, Representatives and our president.

I am concerned because this is not a small proposition. This is a major industry change like the emergence of the personal computer or the space program. It will take a lot of money and persistence to transform this industry into something that will last and change our country and the way we think about fuels. So hey lets get on with it...


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