Innovation and Stuff

Since my college days I have been looking for some of the cool discoveries I have read or studied and have been sorely disappointed by the pace of progress. Do you share this opinion? So what is this blog about? This is an attempt to prove to myself through things that I have read or though my readers comments that some technical progress is being made in our country. So all innovative ideas in any area of science or industry are welcome.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Can this be true?

I am interrupting the normally scheduled topic for a special announcement: Congress has overturned the grants given to the big oil companies amounting to 15 billion dollars and the money is slated to be used for renewable energy source such as solar wind and alternative fuels. Read this article for the full scoop.

Maybe the government juggernaut is turning...


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thinking this through...

I love the idea of an electric car and getting the crude oil monkey off my back but the electric car made by the amateur weekend mechanic is not going to work. After much deliberation and thought put into the idea of electric cars, I have come to the conclusion that the Pluggable EV or the hybrid is the way to go right now. Without a better range and very reliable batteries the need for a backup is an imperative. What I fear is straying a little outside of my normal range or going my normal range on a cold February day, and wearing out the batteries prematurely.

I feel we are at the mercy of the car manufacturers to really make this work. They can make hybrids that have the electric power plant engineered to fit the car. Plus they carry the purchasing clout to get a good deal on the latest battery technology that these autos are going to need. It seems to me the best course of action is to pressure them into making the kind of car we want or boycott them. It seems like we are starting to get through to some degree but there is still some distance to go before this technology is affordable to everyone. So next time, a review of what is available now, what has been announce, and what is out a short time in the future.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Let's build our own Electric Car

So I watched the movie "Who killed the electric car?" and I decided I wanted to buy one but who am I trying to kid? I can't afford an $80,000-$100,000.00 car. I also don’t want some dorky looking car that is made just for the city and only goes 23 miles and has a top speed of 45 mph. So what about building my own electric car and not waiting for Detroit or Japan. I'll go to the dump and get a car with no engine. Hopefully this will cost just few hundred dollars. Then I will buy the equipment to replace the engine with an electric motor. So then the question is what is available out there?

OK I have the shell of a car with no motor sitting in my garage ready for conversion, how much will this cost? Well going to this site: I find that I have two choices, a total DC power plant and control system, around $6000.00. But I am not through yet I have to purchase batteries at the tune of about another $1000.00 - $2000.00 depending on the amp rating and voltage of the battery. And these are just lead acid ones. So the grand total of just the parts not labor for installation is around $7000.00 - $8000.00. Not too bad when you consider the cost of a new vehicle. But I still have a lot of long nights ahead of me putting all this together, plus welding special mounting brackets in place in the engine compartment, then finding the room for all the lead acid batteries I will need to run this thing. So how many batteries is this? Well depending on the final voltage of 96VDC this will be 8 of these 12 volt monsters batteries or 12 if you need 144 VDC. So how many miles can I get on a charge? Well that depends on my driving habits. If I drive like a Franciscan nun out on a Sunday drive then about 60-80 miles per charge. If I have a lead acid foot and drive like a NASCAR race car driver, then it drops dramatically. The only good thing is that the cost of the electricity is equivalent to about 0.60 cents per gallon of gas. So there is at least a cost benefit to running on electricity.

Now for the AC drive system. Hey wait a minute, batteries are DC voltage and I am going to put an AC motor in the car. Does that mean I have to have an extremely long extension cord to run this thing with. Well thankfully no. It has batteries the lead acid variety or Lithium Ion but the DC current is converted extremely efficiently to AC voltage and it also allows for regenerative braking which recharges the batteries during braking. This the ground breaking system used on the EV1. So how much does this equipment cost? Well this starts at around $9000.00 dollars without batteries and so with lead acid batteries and using top end prices because we are using a high end converter, then I end up with a conversion price of around $11,000.00 when all said and done. Still I have a lot of installation work to do to get it all in and running plus possibly the cost of adaptors and other incidentals. Well we still don't get much more of a range than the DC system. Lithium Ion batteries are lighter and smaller and this would be a big plus, but 1000 batteries at $3.00 each from will amount to $3000.00. This is a low estimate, because most designs are utilizing 5000-7000 Lithium Ion batteries. This would put the cost of the batteries alone at $15,000-$21,000 dollars. Now we might be talking about a final cost of around $24,000-$30,000 dollars.

I don’t know about you but I don’t have the extra money just sitting around for this kind of project. Well if I could cannibalize the parts and reuse them indefinitely then maybe this makes more sense. I think the motor and converter will probably last for the age of the car, but the batteries definitely won’t. Also in cold climes like Colorado in the winter, batteries loose there power when the temperature drops to around zero degrees. So is this really the most practical alternative for me living here in Colorado? Sounds like a good topic for another blog post.


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

So, you want an electric car after watching "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

After watching the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car?" I decided I wanted an electric car so I did a quick search on the internet and I found two very sexy cars.

One is called the Tesla Roadster. This is a rocket on wheels with 250 mile range per charge, 0-60 in 4 seconds and it is 100% electric. It is a truely innovative car. The only drawback is its selling price of $92,000.00 and that is just the base model.

The other car is the Electrum Syder. This is a little bit more affordable at $69,995.00(Who are we trying to kid), and it goes 0-60 mph in 7 seconds(Is that all - ho hum). It has a top speed of 80 mph and can go 300 miles on a charge with Lithium Ion batteries and 150 miles on nickle zinc batteries.

Well all said and done, these are still some pretty exciting developments for the automotive industry. It is good to see some peppy little sport EVs showing up in the market place.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

What are we doing?

So what are we doing? I just watched the movie "Who killed the electric car?" and it was very good study in human nature. Specifically American human nature. We seem to have answers to our energy problems but we ignore them until a crisis hits, then we cry like babies that we don't have anything to solve the problems. Well this movie is a good study of the electric car, the GM EV1 and just what happened to kill it. It does a very good job diagramming the failure of electric cars to become a useful form of transportation in California. But at its underlying core is the seed of a thought that there is a conspiracy here. That it was mainly big business that killed this car. But you take a look at it and see what you think. I couldn't help but think that when we need a new technology it is not available, but years before the need arises it is developed and ready but it is kill or ignored because of odd or hard to comprehend reasons. That is it for today...
